Meet Pam Bogdanoff!
Creativity and organization come together when planning a trip with Pam. She remembers her love of Disney beginning when she’d visit as a child. Her most vivid memories include singing along with Kitchen Kabaret in Epcot and speeding through Mr. Toads Wild Ride at Magic Kingdom. Now as a Mom of 2, Pam has mastered the art of planning for both family and adult and solo trips. She tries to live by the idea that we should all travel where you feel most alive. For her, the world of Disney, exploring and running bring her to life. All of these things also blend beautifully in the land of travel.
For years, Pam has helped friends & family make their dream trips a reality through thorough itinerary building and personalized service. Whether boarding a cruise to the Caribbean, running a marathon through the disney parks, or planning a bachelorette party at Epcot’s Food & wine Festival, Pam crafts itineraries unique to each client, based on personalities and interests.
After spending over 10 years working as a Social Worker in NYC, Pam has begun to bring her love of building relationships in her community and planning skills to travel. Her hope is that her attention to detail creates the opportunity for clients to spend their vacation making traditions that last.